Wednesday, February 8, 2012

A Sneak Peek

This is just a quick sneak peek of a couple of my "Valentine Bling" items.

This little bear is proudly wearing her pink sweater . . .

and this friendly snowman is still hanging around.
He heard there may be a slight chance of snow in the future.
He brought a basket filled with sparkly hearts to help decorate for the party on the 10th.

Come back tomorrow to see more!

I'm linking with . . .
It's A Party At A Creative Princess


  1. So cute! All of my Valentine decor is at the store....attempting to woo the shoppers into coming over to look at my pretties.

    Your candles are all but done...
    just finishing the hot chocolate now.

  2. I love the little bear in the pink sweater -- so cute!

  3. Love is in the air at your home. So cute!

  4. All I have is a Valentine wreath on the front door. Just got home from vacation and haven't had time to decorate. Can't wait to see what else you have in store.

  5. Very cute! I need to put up some decorations on Friday as Mary and I will be making some Valentine goodies for daddy:)

  6. Very cute so far. Can't wait to see more, Carol!
