Monday, February 13, 2012

Girl Scout Cookies

It's that time of year again for buying & 
enjoying Girl Scout cookies.
Always brings back memories of my childhood
 when I was a Scout.
Back then you went door to door to sell to 
neighbors, friends & grandparents.
If someone placed an order you would give them a sticker 
to place in the window of their front door.

This year I ordered my cookies on Facebook 
when two of my neighbors posted that their daughters 
were taking orders. 
 Easy & quick . . .I love modern technology!  

Saturday, the girls delivered my orders with 
the help of their mothers.
Here I am with Grace. Her mom, Deb, was taking the picture.
Wish I'd taken a pic of her & Grace together.

Chole & her mom, Kim, came by later in the day.

Now we're enjoying our yummy cookies!
Wonder how long they'll last?  


  1. You are a very good neighbor/ex-teacher to share your buying power with 2 girl scouts.

  2. Great cookies they are, and if they were at our home, I might give them two days at the most.~smile~ Enjoy your day.

  3. Yum! Carol I love those Thin Mints. :)

  4. Thanks so much for praying for Olivia! Means so much!
    I love those cookies and last year Olivia sold them.

  5. Sweet photos, Carol. I was in 4-H. However, I love THIN MINTS. They are the best of all time, in my humble opinion:0

  6. I bet they don't last long. Last year we bought upteen boxes from our granddaughter. As many as we bought, they didn't last long.
