Monday, February 6, 2012

Dear Ree

Dear Ree,
I made your Flat Apple Pie Sunday afternoon.  Ever since Hubby & I saw you make it on your Saturday morning show a few weeks ago he has been pestering me to bake one.  Well, it's safe to say that you don't need to worry about me replacing you.  I have always had issues with making pie crusts from scratch, but I was willing to give your recipe a try.  Below you will see pictures of my pie compared to your recipe book examples. 

Your biggest fan,

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I love reading PW's cookbook & look forward to buying her new book in March.

The pictures are beautiful & the recipes are easy to follow.

Now, here are pictures of my finished Flat Apple pies.
Notice how the juices oozed out.

Like I said, I have issues with making pie crusts from scratch.
When I rolled out the dough & transferred it to the baking pie holes & tears appeared.
I am not discouraged, I WILL try this again until I get it right.

Here's a close up of the leftover pie on a plate.
Looks pretty good!
The pie is delicious.  
Flaky crust & just the right amount of sweetness in the apples.
Click here for the pie crust recipe.

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P.S.  Here is another reason why you don't have to 'moo-over' for me to take your place.
I don't have herds of cattle to photograph on the prairie,
just this cute little white milk cow.

P.S.S.  I want to be you when I grow up!

I'm linking with . . .


  1. Carol, that looks just like my pie also. :-)
    Everything oozed out and pan was blackened with juices.
    But the pie was delicious and we ate every last bite.

  2. My daddy had five women in his house to eat what we conjured up. LOL he ate it with a smile and always said what fell apart was the best tasting recipe he had ever tasted. That was his way of encouraging us to carry on and we turned out to be good cooks. But, your apple pie really looked good. Have a wonderful day.

  3. You are too funny and we must be twins. I am so taken with Ree (PW) it is pathetic! I want to be her when I grow up, but because I want a cowboy! Oh, did I say that? The pie looks great and it's so funny I just printed this recipe off yesterday and was thinking of making it for my sweetie for valentines. He loves apple pie!

  4. Your pie might have oozed a bit but it still looks delish!

  5. Hi Carol, I had to laugh at your post because I saw the same show and thought how good her pie looked. She doesn't need to worry about me either because I can't have gluten and I don't fuss over making gluten free crusts from scratch. It sure looks good though. Before I was gluten free some friends who had a restaurant told me to put Tapioca pudding(dry) in the pie and it would help the pie juices not to ooze out.
    Have a great day.

  6. I believe that is also called a rustic tort. I made it with pears once and it was delish! The thickening is always an issue with fruit pies. Personally, I always add a little more flour, corn starch or tapioca than the recipe calls for. I cannot stand all that work and then having it so runny that it turns the crust to mush!!! Just a suggestion.

  7. Looks like you did a great job. Yummm!

  8. Haha cute post =) It was delicious!

  9. Love you little cow -- I have two like kind of cattle! Bet that pie was delicious to the last bite!

  10. Yummy! My mom always said her pies did not look the greatest but they always tasted so good! I love how yours has the apple slices a little toasted, I am going to have to try this recipe.
    I am newly following from CHS!


  11. Don't be so hard on yourself Carol! The pie was half gone in the picture and dare I guess more of it's gone now? If it tasted that good, then it was a real winner.

    Now if you want to hear some BAD cooking stories, I need to blog about my time of living in a resident house for a class in college. I was the only girl in the house who knew how to cook. One girl literally hadn't stood in front of a stove in her life. The adventures of her attempts to learn to cook were hardly a treat for those who had to eat her cooking. She had never cooked, wouldn't let us help, and thought she could half and triple recipes when she couldn't follow a recipe as written. Yep, fun times there.

    Carol, unless you goofed up your pies the way she would have, trust me they were still good!

    Thanks for the chuckle today and for sharing your cute cooking story on my blog!

  12. Looks like it was delicious and worth another try! Yum! ~CJ

  13. I love her cookbook and use it all the time.

  14. I bet it was still delish xo Thank you for linking to the hop today

  15. You're funny Carol! :) I'm glad that you're gonna give it another try! I pinned your pie cause it still looked yummy to me. Hope you don't mind. I want my hubby to give it a try.
