Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Victory Is Sweet . . .

OSU won in overtime last night 41 to 38!
If I was able I would have done a cartwheel!  
When I finally was calm enough to go to bed, every time I closed my eyes all I could see was this image.

I think I need to buy one of the championship shirts. . .

I really like the V-neck.

Yep, Betty & I are very happy!
She's doing a cartwheel!  


  1. haha! cute post =) I like that Betty is doing a cartwheel!

  2. Congrats to OSU! Your post is very funny! I got a huge smile out of Betty doing her cartwheel!!
    Just my kind of humor:)

  3. The shirts are cute. Doing a cartwheel vicariously through Betty is the way to do it.

  4. I didn't watch most of the game, not because I'm not an OSU fan, but because I'm not much of a football game. My hubby had it on and whenever I walked through the room I'd ask about the score. Glad they won though. I can't ever remember being able to do a cartwheel, even when I was a youngster. Ha.

  5. go Pokes! We did not watch the game, we don't have cable and did not want to go anywhere to watch it. I kept up with the score on my computer but went to bed before the game was over. I checked on my KindleFire as soon as I woke up and was so happy to see the Cowboys won, I was not surprised though, I knew they could do it.
