Saturday, January 21, 2012

Saturday Sunshine . . .

After a gray, dreary Friday it's so great to see sunshine this morning.

rays of warmth

The morning sun always shows all the places that need a good dusting.
This plate rack is D*U*S*T*Y!  

It also reminds me that the windows need to be washed inside & out.
My excuse?  It's too cold to do that chore!  HA!

I'm looking forward to . . .

reading my new Southern Living magazine . . .

and spending time this evening with our sweet grandkids!



Hope your weekend is a good one!


  1. Glad you have some sunshine, Carol! Enjoy those tiny little ones and have a wonderful weekend.
    be a sweetie,
    shelia ;)

  2. Love those grandbaby's!
    I got my Southern Living too and it sure has some good looking recipes in it. I would like to try that Caramelized Banana Pudding and I love Pimiento Cheese never tryed it melted.

  3. Sounds like you have a wonderful day planned. I tell Natalie that she is my favorite granddaughter. (She is my only one. LOL) She make my heart overflow. Your grandchildren look awesome.

  4. It's a-sprinklin' here; must be winter (: beautiful pix of the grand kiddies. Enjoy your weekend.

  5. I always enjoy how the sun shines through the windows, Carol, but know all about the dust, and love the excuse, one of my favorite ones, as a matter of fact i am using that one today so that i can catchup on my blogging since I have been gone for a week.
    Enjoy those precious grandchildren, and your weekend.

  6. Welcome to the dust bunny club:) I hate dusting and nothing reveals it like the sunshine! I got my SL magazine a couple days ago and have not read it yet. The grandkids will always lift your spirits. Have fun!

  7. The sunshine is so great. The best sunshine is the smiles on your beautiful grandchildren's faces:)

  8. Looks like you are having a wonderful weekend...with the exception of the dust and window washing reminder; I need that reminder too and thanks for the excuse, I'll gladly use it. Your grandbabies are adorable.

