Saturday, January 7, 2012

Saturday Snapshots . . .

It's a gorgeous day!  
Not a cloud in the sky!
We have been enjoying unseasonably warm weather here for several weeks.
I'm enjoying it while I can.

The view from our deck this morning.
I love this little country church smack dab in our big city on a busy street.

I made great progress yesterday taking down Christmas.

Isn't this pitiful?  
Just a few lights working on the stair garland.
It's coming down today.

The dining room table is loaded with decorations waiting to be 
packed away in tubs.

The early morning sunlight was shining on this angel.
The picture does not do it justice.

How's the weather in your neck of the woods?


  1. We have been enjoying this warm weather also. I took a nap with my dogs on the deck yesterday. It was wonderful.

  2. You're making progress :)

    We are having a gorgeous day.
    Mild temperatures too.

    Today our son is giving a bagpipe lesson, so the air will be filled with sweet music :)

  3. We have been having some warmer days lately. Mary has had fun playing outside for a little while.

  4. Our weather has been much nicer these last days. I thing it is going to rain today.

  5. Lovely photos, Carol! I hope that your 2012 is off to a great start! Happy Saturday!...hugs...Debbie

  6. Like much of the country, it is unseasonably mild here. High 30's and mid 40's are MILD in this neck of the woods, and today was even warmer! Your view of the church is a gem!

  7. Love the photo of the church, your view is peaceful. Sunshine through the window is God's spotlight. Our weather was very enjoyable today, I'll take more please!
