Thursday, December 1, 2011

Happy 1st Day of December . . .

Let me be one of the first to say, Merry Christmas!

My house looks like it has been through an Oklahoma tornado or earthquake!
Boxes & tubs full of Christmas bling look like they have exploded all over the place.
Despite this overwhelming mess I'm a happy lady.
Remember my post from Tuesday?
Those frustrating strings of Christmas lights went into the trash!
Last night Hubby and I went to Target.

Presenting my new string of LED lights!

Their bright white glow has made my little Christmas village sparkle and shine.  I bought this little set of houses many years ago at a neat little discount store in my hometown for about $7.00.  It came with little trees and figures.It was not lighted so I had to buy some lights to put in each one.  I added a little school house I found at Dollar General and two larger trees from Hobby Lobby.

It looks like the children are having fun playing in the snow outside the elementary little red school house.

Next door to the elementary school is another school house for the village jr. and sr. high students.
In the center of town is the church.  I can almost hear the bells ringing.

A bakery and train depot complete the village scene.

I think I'll write a story about the village so I can read it to Ethan and Emma every year.

I'm linking with . . .
Delightful Order for Inspiring Thursday
No Minimalist Here for Open House Party
Kristen for Share Your Creations
At the Picket Fence for Inspiration Friday
Courtney for Feathered Nest Friday
Debra for Vintage Inspiration Friday
Chic On A Shoe String Decorating for
Chic on a Shoestring Decorating


  1. Good for you.... I'm glad you trashed the tangled lights and bought some new ones.

    Sometimes we have to pick our battles :)

    You certainly do have everything decked out there for Christmas. Looks great!

  2. I got my village up, too, and will share pics later.
    Oh happy day, oh happy day, when I threw those old lights away! Ha!

  3. I love the idea of you writing a story about the village! Very cute!

  4. Our daughter-in-law also has a Christmas village that she sets out each Christmas. The LED lights give yours a perfect Christmasy look. I am finished decorating outside and inside. Now I'm going to sit back and enjoy.

  5. What an adorable blog!!! Not to mention your village! Hmmm..I wonder if I have any village pieces or if I gave them to one of my children.. I need to get busy and get serious with the decorating. It really IS fun even if it is a lot of work!
    I need new lights..most of ours don't work and we can't figure out why! Lights are always a pain it seems. If they can make computers..why not lights that last awhile! :)
    Did I tell you I love your blog???

  6. Oh, so pretty! I always wanted a Christmas village. I think I am going to start collecting them. Yours is beautiful!

  7. Love your village- I have a huge set of village pieces also, but haven't put them out in several years. Maybe I need to reconsider! : )

  8. Your village is very cute! After taking a 'village' break for a couple of years, my 12 and 14 year old boys totally got into the village last year and set up a table in our living room with our village/farm scene. They plan to set it up again this weekend, we are just looking for a new spot.

  9. I am so excited for you, Carol, I went through this a week ago, I am almost finished with my decorating. Don't you just love the lighted houses, they are so real, I have yet to get my village set up.
    Thank you for sharing .

  10. I love your blog! I am your newest follower!
    I also have a village set up and have a picture of it posted on one of my newer blog posts.

  11. I love your holiday bling! Happy December to you too:)
