Monday, November 14, 2011

Our Beautiful Tree . . .

We got to spend some time with our Grandkids Sunday evening.

Before it got dark, Hubby took the kids for a wagon ride.

This was Emma's first wagon ride.
Riding in the wagon is one of Ethan's favorite things to do.
Pillow Pal, Bullet, joined them.

Our flaming red maple tree is absolutely beautiful this year.
The picture does not do it justice.
As you can see, our neighbor's tree has already lost its leaves.
Our tree is always one of the last trees to show Autumn colors.
I love it!

Enjoy your day . . .


  1. Wow! Love your Maple. Your family tree is beautiful too (:

  2. Thats is a beautiful tree,and grandkids too. Is that you in the picture with them. Trish

  3. Mary has that same wagon and loves to go in rides in it too. Your tree is beautiful! I love the color.

  4. hey there. so glad I stumbled upon your blog. totally following. Your family is so adorable!! If you get second, I'd love if you'd check out my blog! Have a BLESSED DAY!

  5. Sweet time with the grandchildren.

  6. Emma is already old enough to sit up in a wagon? Where has time gone? Oh my. We have a flaming maple in our backyard and it is beautiful too. Not shaped as pretty as yours is though since the ice storm took many of its' branches.

  7. How cute they look in the wagon with their furry pal! And, yes, the tree is BEE-U-TE-FUL!!!

  8. Beautiful!

    We had one of those maple trees once upon a time.
    They are gorgeous in real life!

    Cute grands!

    Hope this is a great week for you.

  9. So glad you captured Emma's first wagon ride at your house! The pic with you and the kiddos is so good!!

  10. Your red maple is gorgeous. Red Maples were planted at a shopping mall near us and they really put on a show. Your grandchildren are darling and what a memory for them to ride in the red wagon.
