Monday, November 28, 2011

A New Blog Look . . .

Hope you like my new blog look.  
It took me awhile, but finally I figured everything out.
Don't be surprised if you see more changes in the near future!


  1. Hi Carol! Yes, I love your new blog dress! Your header is just darling! You did good!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  2. Looks terrific!!

    That Santa looks like one of James Christensens works. Is it ??

    That Christmas countdown on your blog is fun too.

    Yikes... I'd better get busy :)

  3. I do like the new blog look. I like the mantel to. Blessing Trish

  4. Not everything is showing up on my iPad (Safari), but what I can see is great. Love the font you're using. xo

  5. I'm not sure why but I can't see the whole background. What I do see looks fantastic though!

  6. You did an awesome job! I like it a lot.
