Friday, November 25, 2011

NEVER ! ! !

There is nothing I need or covet want that would make me
 attempt shopping on "Black Friday"! 

When I see this picture I immediately think,
"What will they do if they need to use the bathroom?"

I enjoyed looking through all the ads in the newspaper yesterday.
I saw some good deals and gift ideas.
Still, I would never venture out to shop on the day after Thanksgiving.

I always get a good chuckle out of these commercials.
Her enthusiasm is still not enough to make
me go shopping at Target at midnight.
Click here to see what I'm talking about!

I will shop at Target for Christmas gifts, but not until this weekend is over!

Come back tomorrow to see pictures of Thanksgiving 2011.


  1. Hi Carol. I'm with you! I wouldn't get out in the crowds. I think Target has done well with their marketing this year - that lady is such a hoot! :)
    Thank you for the BD wishes!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  2. My daughter-in-law and a friend of hers went to Target at twelve thirty this morning and the line was so long that they didn't feel like standing that long of a tme. They were only letting 30 people in every three minutes. She was kinda ut out by that. I'm with you. I have never and will never shop on Black Friday.

  3. I'm with you too! I love those Target commercials. That blonde reminds me of someone I used to work with!!! LOL!

  4. Agree totally! I have seen this ad many times and it makes me want to STAY AWAY!
