Friday, November 18, 2011

My Heart Is Breaking . . .
OSU says women's basketball coach Kurt Budke and assistant women's basketball coach Miranda Serna were killed along with two others Thursday night in a plane crash in Arkansas.

 Please pray for the families, the team,
 and all those affected by this tragedy.
  My heart is heavy.


  1. I had not heard this until reading your post. Tragic! Prayers for their families.

  2. I have FOX News on most of the day and heard about it this morning. I thought of you. What a sad day for the university and those families. May God be with them at this time.

  3. Oh my goodness...I didn't know. Will be praying for the families =(

  4. our hearts are heavy too, hard to believe this is real. Both coaches were just incredible people.

    sad sad sad

  5. I could hardly believe my ears when I heard the news today. So very sad. But I don't see the whole picture. Only God does and I trust that His plan is perfect. I pray for all those affected by this horrible accident.
