Thursday, November 10, 2011

Christmas Shopping . . .

Yes, yes, yes, I know Thanksgiving is 2 weeks from today!
I couldn't help myself, I started doing some Christmas shopping online today.

Some of the places I shopped today . . .

I bought some fun toys for the grandkids on QVC.

Then, I spent time checking out some cool stuff on this site.

. . . is a fun, easy way to shop, but
I will do some traditional in store shopping because it's fun to feel the hustle and bustle of the season.


  1. I made my first Christmas purchase a few days ago. Some grey felt boots for my granddaughter. She had seen them a few months ago and I told her to wait for they might go on sale. Sure enough, I got them for $20. off. But I think she's probably forgotten about them by now. Won't she be surprised.

  2. The Internet makes browsing and comparing so simple! Can't fault anyone for getting a head start.

  3. I love the ease of online shopping but I'm like you; I enjoy going out at least once just to feel the hustle and bustle of the Christmas season!

  4. I love to do on-line shopping for Christmas too!
