Monday, November 28, 2011

Christmas Bling Begins . . .

Happy Monday to you all!

Yesterday, with Hubby's help we managed to get the outside lights and wreaths finished.
Pictures will come later.

Here is the first phase of the mantel decorating.

Bows and more bling to come soon . . .

I'm anxious to see and hear about your Christmas decorating!


  1. My plan today is to wrap the gifts we bought over the weekend. I'm usually in a mad dash on Christmas Eve with wrapping paper and tape flying everywhere. But not this year. Then it will be on to decorating for Christmas.

  2. I've got the outside done and trying to complete the inside. I do way too much and I'm starting to think about giving my kids a lot of this. I'll miss it, but it is getting to be to much to do.

  3. I love singing twinkling lights on a mantle!


  4. Glad you are getting right to it this year. Everything is so lovely, why not enjoy it as long as possible!

  5. Your mantel looks so pretty, Carol. I have been busy decorating too, but just can't seem to find what to do with my mantel.
