Thursday, October 6, 2011

You're Invited . . .

You're invited to attend a party!
Liz is having an Autumn party today! Autumn Arrives Party
Click on picture to attend the party.
I'm attending the party by featuring my post
from Sept. 15th.

She's also having a $100 giveaway! GiveAway
Click on the picture to enter the giveaway.
Last Friday she had the 1st of 5 $100 giveaways.
At 5:00 Pacific time she announced the winner.
 The winner had 10 minutes to claim the cash.
Believe it or not she had to draw 7 names before someone responded.
Mary Ellen  was lucky #7

Oh, I almost forgot!
Liz is also giving away a beautiful Autumn wreath!

Savvy Fall Wreath

Don't miss the party or the giveaway!


  1. Carol that was so awesome to win Liz's giveaway!! It was so much fun and I just feel like it was just like a kiss from Jesus winning!

    Love all your pretty fallin in your house! Have a little done and then my 2 grown boys came out and they are fallin things up outside- but not like what you thik! They took all the old awnings down and are pressure washing our house to get it ready for a paint job!! Yea!!!

    bee blessed

  2. I agree.... Liz's giveaway last Friday was so exciting!!! Liz is so talented and creative, you just gotta love her style!?!?!

    Congrats to Mary Ellen :D
