Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween ! ! !

The candy is ready for . . .

cute ghosts and goblins!

I have fun memories of trick or treating when I was a kid.
The little lady on the corner gave out the most
yummy popcorn balls.
The neighbors that passed out chocolate bars were always our favorite stops.

Halloween was always a day of fun and innocence for us.

The last day of October means the holidays 
of Thanksgiving and Christmas are fast approaching.  

Enjoy your day . . . don't eat too much candy!  


  1. We don't get any little trick-or-treaters now that we live in the country. I have to admit that I miss them. Happy Halloween!

  2. Ready here too! Have fun tonight. :)

  3. We get swamped in our neighborhood with trick or treaters. Bumper to bumper in the street with cars and crowds of kids and parents. Thank goodness it is just for two hours this year.

  4. We had a major rain/snow storm in New England over the weekend. There are still towns without power in Massachusetts's and Connecticut. They had to postpone Halloween for a few days. I have never heard of that before. I hope you had a nice day and thanks for sharing your memories with us.

  5. I'm sure your house is a great stop for treats!
