Friday, September 23, 2011

Finally Fall . . .

My favorite season is finally here!

Here are some of the reasons why I love this season.

Cozy & warming fireplaces. . .

Front doors to homes that invite you to come on in. . .

College football. . .

Candles in jars that smell like
apple & pumpkin pies. .

Autumn leaves & crisp air. . .

The Pumpkin Patch. . .

Thanksgiving and family gatherings. . .

Halloween, candy,
& trick or treating. . .

Happy Fall y'all!
Enjoy your first day of Autumn.


  1. Those are exactly the reasons I love Fall!
    The warm cozy sweaters...campfires without all the bugs biting :o) We love raking up the beautifully colored leaves and jumping in them...brings out the kid in all of us!
    Everyone seems so much more friendly in the Fall!
    Have a great weekend!

  2. All great reasons to love Fall!
    Happy first day of Fall to you :)

  3. I, too, enjoy this time of year for the very same reasons, especially after a hot summer. Oklahoma is beautiful in the fall of the year.

  4. I am so happy fall is here hope it stays around for sometime.

  5. This is my favorite time of the year! Your photos are lovely and bring to mind all that I love about Autumn! Wishing you a wonderful weekend.

  6. My favorite season too, and enjoy it for all of the reasons you have listed, my plans for today is to find a fall candle.
    Loved the fall wreath on your last post.
    Enjoy the new Fall season.
