Monday, September 12, 2011

Fall Fluffing Has Begun . . .

Yesterday I started fall fluffing the house.
I'm excited to decorate for the new season
 that is fast approaching. 

Hubby helped me drag out things from the attic.
Disclaimer . . . this does not include
 Halloween or Thanksgiving items.
I admit it . . .
 I own a lot of seasonal decorating stuff.
I can't help it!  
I enjoy and love decking the halls with pretties for each season.

Something new for this season are
window clings from Hobby Lobby.

Mr. Scarecrow is ready to find out where 
he'll be hanging out.

Lots of pumpkins to place around the house.

The wreath is on the front door.

Now, I've got to get my creative juices flowing and finish the fluffing.

Come back soon to see!

Wishing you a motivated Monday . . .


  1. Just stopping by to say I LOVE YOUR BLOG! Gets me in the Holiday spirit and well makes me want to go shopping :)

  2. I think the holiday fluffing is a teacher thing. I do it too.

  3. Everything looks so pretty. My husband actually asked me yesterday when I'd be getting things out. That's sweet, don't you think? Your wreath is beautiful.

  4. I love your decorations Carol. I need to get mine out and start decorating. It has been really hot here, hotter than summer so it doesn't seem like fall yet:)

  5. Everything looks awesome :)
    You have so many cute Fall decorating items.
    Have a great day.

  6. The grand children will just love your decorating! Must be I'm still a kid at heart 'cause I do, too!

  7. Everything looks great! I'm with you, I will have to find more storage for all my seasonal decorating, lol! Stop by for a visit sometime....


  8. Love the Thomas Kincade painting, he is one of fav's....I have a few too. Thanks for the inspiration. Off to locate mine...
