Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Sister Fun Continues . . .

My sisters have been here since Friday and we're having so much fun.
We've been enjoying looking at old photos, laughing, and sharing stories and memories.

Yesterday morning we ventured out to Jenks for treasure hunting.

We spent several hours in this antique mall.
Saw a lot of neat stuff, but I didn't buy one thing.
I may go back  soon to look at some cool items
again and make some purchases.
My sisters bought some fun treasures.

Today we plan to work on some pillow sewing projects
and see the movie "The Help". 

Come back soon to see more pictures and updates.

Wishing you a wonderful Wednesday . . .


  1. What a fun way to spend the day!
    You must have incredible self control not to have bought one thing :)
    Hope that the movie is a good one. It's one that I'd like to see to.
    Hope you have a fun day!

  2. I love browsing antique and collectible shops with my sisters, too. No need to buy---the looking and remembering are such fun! Don't forget to go out for an iced coffee:)

  3. You are going to love the movie. Saw it Sun. eve with my hubby. He actually loved it.

  4. I am off to do a little antiquing with my brother and my parents. I think I mentioned my brother is visiting this week. I will post if I buy something! It sounds like you are having a fun time. Do your sisters live nearby or in another state?
