Monday, August 29, 2011

Random Monday Memories #20 . . .

We enjoyed making more memories on Sunday.
The kids came over for dinner.
But, first let me tell you about a memorable moment on Friday.

My hubby, Bob, was honored with a
luncheon to celebrate 40 years of service with his company.

I know. . .that's a long time to work in one place.
I'm so happy the whole family was there
to help Bob celebrate his accomplishment.

Sunday, Bob tried out his new smoker for the first time.

Carving the chicken.

Something for everyone . . .
bologna, pork roast, hot links, chicken
Of course, the best part of the day was spending time 
with the grandkids.  
Oh, and Bobby and Kari too!  

Wishing you a great Monday . . .


  1. Congratulations to your hubby! That IS a long time to be with a company. Hope they rewarded his loyalty in a nice way :)
    The smoked grub looks yummy! So glad you had a great weekend with family!

  2. It's not often that an employee celebrates 40 years of service. Congrats to your husband!

  3. Congratulations for job and family well done.

  4. Congrats to your hubby! So nice you all could share in the celebration. The food is making me hungry. Those grandbabies must be the apple of your eye!

  5. Congrats to your hubby---so nice it was a family affair. You are making me hungry!

  6. Oops, Blogger problem. You got two for one:)

  7. Hi Carol and congratulations to your hubby for all his years to his company! Folks just don't seem to stay with companies like this anymore, do they?
    How nice all of your family got to attend and look at those precious little grands! :)
    Thanks for popping in to see me.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  8. Congratulaions for your hubby! That is fantastic. The chicken and all the other meat looked realy yummy.
