Monday, August 22, 2011

Random Monday Memories #19 . . .

Memories from the week
 August 12-19, 2011 . . .

Last week was a dream come true for me.
I enjoyed having both my sisters here.
The days were filled with shopping trips, cooking, looking at old pictures, sharing stories and memories from days past, seeing the movie "The Help", and much more! 

We had a family Sunday dinner on the 14th.

Mary and Susan helped me get all the side dishes together
and Bob smoked some great ribs, pork loin, and bologna.

The three amigos. . .
Susan, Mary, and me.

Dessert was homemade ice cream.

After dinner we looked through boxes and boxes of old photos
with Bobby and Kari.  We scanned many pictures that I will share later.

The house is quiet again.

Susan went home to Missouri early Saturday morning.
  She picked up her husband, Mike, at the airport Friday night. 
He had been in Wales, England, and France
on a business trip all week.

Mary flew home to Houston on Sunday morning.

I wish my sisters lived closer! 


  1. Sounds like you gals had a great time.

  2. sounds wonderful. how fortunate you are to have a good and loving relationship with your sisters!

  3. So wonderful that you were able to spend time with them! Bet you can't wait to do it again :)

  4. What a wonderful time! One of many reasons I moved to the country was to be closer to some of my dear sisters. I have not regretted it.

  5. Its so good to have someone help you out...thanks for listing who's who. Trish
