Monday, August 1, 2011

Random Monday Memories #18 . . .

                                                                Happy 1st day of August! 
 There's no relief in sight from the drought and extreme high temperatures.  We may reach 110 or 111 this week.  UGH!   We haven't had rain in many, many days.

This is the new Oklahoma rain gauge!
Trust me, even a thimble would be too big!

Think positive . . .
we're inching our way toward autumn!

Today's random memory is about Falls Creek youth camp located near Davis, OK in the southern part of the state in the Arbuckle Mountains.  I attended this camp when I was a teenager and as a sponsor during the 70s and 90s.  My last summer to visit was 1999.  I have many fond memories of this special place.  5,000 plus people in the tabernacle singing is a sound I'll never forget. 

Falls Creek was established in the summer of 1917, when J. B. Rounds and W. D. Moorer used the donated land to host the meeting of the Baptist Young People's Union, with a total of 273 campers. Since then, Falls Creek has grown astronomically, now averaging 55,000 attendees per summer. In the 1920s, a large outdoor tabernacle was built and remained in use for many years.

 In 2004, this tabernacle was torn down and construction began on a new one, with services during the 2005 and 2006 sessions being held at an amphitheater. Benches from the old tabernacle, which had been signed by generations of campers, were sold away as collector's items. In 2007, the new tabernacle was opened at the 90th Falls Creek session and was the first facility indoors and with rest rooms.

Do you have any memories of summer camp?


  1. I hope you get a good rain storm, soon! We have had a few days when it looked like it could rain, but it never did. I never went to summer camp so I have no memories to share!

  2. Yes, I do but on a much smaller scale. I always went to kids summer camp with our church when I was kid. It was up in the woods with really cool "A" frame cabins. We always had a week of fun with wonderful chapel meetings each night.

  3. Sounds like you have many fond memories of your summer camp:)
    Our son is working at a educational camp this summer and he's loving it! Educational camps or otherwise... it's a great summer activity!

  4. I feel very badly for those of you in the prolonged heat wave and drought. I pray the Lord will send showers soon. Your rain gauge is funny, tho. That's a great story on the camp. How wonderful to see it grow. I lived on a dairy farm until I was 12 years old, and being one of nine children camp was only a dream. I was happy to send my boys to Christian summer camps and belive they are a great place for summer fun and for Christian ministry.
