Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Time Well Spent . . .

Yesterday was a fun day!
My daughter-in-law brought the kiddos over for the day.
Also, her nephew spent the day with us.
She is taking care of Levi this week because his
regular babysitter is on vacation. 

Ethan and his cousin had a fun time playing together.
I had fun holding Emma.

In fact, I had so much fun I forgot to take a
picture of her so, I stole this one from Kari's Facebook page.
She's getting so big!

Wishing you all a wonderful Wednesday. . .


  1. I have a big crush on Ethan!!!!!
    What a head of hair little Emma has. You will smile many times each day thinking of the memories of that day!

  2. I love Emma's hair color. It looks like she's got some red tones in it. I bet you had your hands full with all those little ones.

  3. So adorable...all of them. The boys don't look too sure about the whole photo taking thing, though. Cute!

  4. We had one of our sweet boys come see us , he is so smart and just out did us with wonder.
    Emma is so cute!

  5. What a sweet little bunch! time spent with babies is always time well spent. I also loved the pictures of last winter's snowfall, although I hated it back then and I hate it now, LOL
