Wednesday, July 27, 2011

A Sweet Conspiracy . . .

Southern Living
is conspiring against me!

Each cover is tempting me to give in to
my love of pies.

June's cover. . .
Buttery Pecan-Peach Cobbler

July . . .
Brown Sugar Cinnamon Peach Pie

August's temptation . . .
Lemon Meringue Ice-Cream Pie

Here's the problem . . .
I am working toward my goal weight.
 I am a diabetic.

Here's the solution . . .
I'm eating fresh strawberries and peaches
topped with a sprinkle of Splenda & a dollop of light whipped cream.

The good news is . . . 
I am using 'super human' self control.
(Thank you Lord!)
My family is cheering me on, telling me how great I'm doing.
I see the finish line in the near feature.

Who knows, I may create one of  these delicious pies
before the summer ends and treat myself to one
bite off my hubby's plate!

Maybe . . .

Wishing you a wonderful Wednesday . . .


  1. I made the peach pie that is on July' cover. It was a hit with my family. One bite won't hurt.

  2. Yes gone are the days that we can eat these delicious treats. Hang in there with your temptation!

  3. They do look vey good! Keep up the good work. Your good health is your reward!

  4. That Lemon pie just looks so good.

  5. Congratulations on your weight and health goal! Those pies look so good especially the lemon one. Yummm!

  6. Good For you!!! Whether you make a pie or sounds like you are making right choices every day. That's the way to do it. Now, if only I could be more like you.

  7. Those covers do make pies look great. How good that you have been doing so well on your eating program. It's not easy I'm sure. Perhaps there is a way to modify the recipe to make it work on your plan.

  8. You are my hero :) I applaude your stick-to-itivness! Way to go!
    I've missed reading your blog, and I am sure looking forward to catching up on your posts!
    Have a wonderful day and keep up the good work!

  9. I love pie too but one bite just would not do it. You are doing great and I am impressed.

    and when you want pie, remember that it is just too hot to turn on the oven.

  10. That peach pie recipe does sound yummy---my sister copied it from my SL mag. Stay strong. I'm sure you will get to the point where a little taste now and then won't be bad for you. Sounds like you are doing very well!
