Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Fun On The 4th . . .

Our July 4th celebration started Sunday with
Hubby's annual smoked meat fest.

The fun continued Monday . . .

 This is Ethan's 3rd year to be in our subdivison parade.

 waving and wearing Old Glory . . .

 Papaw provided the pulling power . . .

 Emma was unaware she was in her first parade . . .

 Uncle Sam and Ethan . . .

 I'm awake now . . .

 patriotic family of four . . .

 Is it time for lunch ?

aw-w-w, so sweet, he loves his little sister . . .

Hope you all had a safe and fun weekend!

Thanks so much for visiting today!


  1. What a fun day! I love the decorated wagon! :)

  2. Hi Carol! OH, how precious! What little dolls. I didn't know you were a reading teacher. Books are a dear thing to me. I don't have a Kindle or anything. I like to feel a real book in my hands and actually turn the pages.
    be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  3. Looks like you had as much fun with family as we did. We didn't have a parade but had lots of fireworks.

  4. Oh my goodness...what precious pictures!! I'm so glad you took lots and shared them. I'm smiling from ear to ear. : )
    Mary Lou

  5. OOO, aren't they so precious. So glad you had a good time.

    Hubby has a Kindle and he loves it almost as much as he love moi...:)))

  6. That is so neat that your neighborhood does a parade. Your grandchildren are adorable. I love Emma's hair. We had a fun 4th too with family and a small fireworks show in our backyard.

  7. Seems like you all had a wonderful 4th of July! Love the parade pictures :)
    Great family times, and wonderful summer memories.

  8. I love that wagon all decked out for the 4th. Ethan is getting more handsome by the dayy---and what a sweet big brother!

  9. So cute are they! The little guy is going to be taller than Uncle Sam next year! It must've been warm because Baby Emma looks rosy. She's so adorable. You must be enjoying her very much.
