Tuesday, July 12, 2011

30 Years Ago . . .

Thrity years ago we were blessed when our
son was born.

Look at those chubby cheeks!
He was the biggest baby in the nursery that week
weighing almost 10 pounds.
The nurses called him Bam Bam.

An adorable toddler. . .
what a sweet face.

1st grade . . .
 look at those big blue eyes!

Now you're all grown up.
You're a husband and father,
but you'll always be our sweet baby boy.
We love you, Bobby!
Happy Birthday!


  1. What a delightful post.
    Time flies, doesn't it???

    Happy Birthday, Bobby!

  2. How sweet. :) Time flies, doesn't it?

  3. Oh my gosh...I just saw that Becky wrote the same thing. How funny.

  4. Sweet post about Bobby's big 30.
    Girl you were looking good back then. Happy Birthday Bobby.

  5. Good Morning Carol Sweetie...
    What a beautiful share. Happy 30th birthday Bobby. Hope you have a wonderful day.

    Carol I know about those chubby cheeks as well. Our first born weighed in at 9lbs and 3 ounces, and he was the only boy in the nursery, along with 17 little girl babies that all weighed under 7 pounds. They called him Baby Hughie.

    Love this memory, and he has such a beautiful family. Love seeing the photos. Thanks for sharing sweetie.

    Have a gorgeous week. Many hugs and much love from Phoenix, Sherry

  6. Happy Birthday to your son! I loved all the photos. He was such a cute litte boy! How wonderful that he lives near by and had such a sweet family.

  7. Bobby was such a cute kid and now a handsome young man. Sweet family.

  8. So, so cute!! enjoying your blog.

  9. Life goes by so quickly. What sweet memories!

  10. aww, my son Bobby also turned 30 this year. He was an April baby.
