Monday, June 27, 2011

Random Monday Memories #16 . . .

We love making memories with our family.
We were given free passes
to see Cars 2 on Saturday morning.

This was Ethan's first movie in a theater.
Before the movie started he was looking around
at all the people coming in to find seats.
We weren't sure how he would react when the lights
went off and the previews began.
He spent the entire movie sitting on Mommy or Daddy's lap
watching all the action. 

We had a great time.
Maybe we'll see the new Smurf movie when
it comes out in a few weeks.

Have a marvelous Monday!
Stay cool!


  1. What a great choice for a little boy's first time to go to the movies!

  2. Our two grandsons saw the movie Saturday evening and loved it. I'
    ll just wait til it comes out on video.

  3. Hi Carol! Oh, how sweet to share the movie first with your little grandson. He is just so cute and sounds like he loved it!
    Thank you so much for popping in to see me.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  4. What a great activity to do as a family.
    Summer memories in the making :) did everyone like the movie ?

  5. That is so cool! It's so fun to go to the movies!

  6. Look at him! He is getting so big and I love the photo of him taking it all in before the start of the movie.

  7. That Ethan is the cutest little man in his "Cars" tee! Winnie the Pooh will be out soon and that will be perfect for him (and my grandson)! I love the old stories!
