Monday, June 13, 2011

Problem Resolved . . .

Blogger friends are the best!
Thank you Christine & Elena!
I took your suggestions and my comment
problem was resolved.

By the way. . .
for those of you who like to listen to the music on my
Playlist (I know some don't want to hear music) you have to click the play button
to hear the selections.
I like choosing songs to go along with my posts. 
Sometimes I'll play my Playlist while I'm doing chores or cooking.

Today's song is the theme from
The Golden Girls . . .
Thank You For Being a Friend.

Enjoy your Monday!


  1. So glad that you were able to get the problem resolved:)
    Loved the 'Golden Girls!'
    Wasn't 'ma' the best ??!!
    Hope this week is a great one for you.

  2. Yes, it's good to have input and help! So glad you are back commenting!!!!

  3. I took there comments to you and my problems are gone too.

  4. That's what blogger friends are for. Glad you got it to working.
