Friday, June 3, 2011

Early Summer . . .

It's not officially summer until the 21st,
but you'd think we're in the middle of July.
HOT temps near 100 and scorching wind.
Looks like summer has arrived early!
I feel the urge to make homemade ice-cream!


  1. We made our first batch of peach ice cream last weekend. :) We've also already polished off a watermelon. Summer's here!

  2. Sounds divine to me.
    I have still had to turn on the furnace.... such a bummer.
    Stay cool and make some ice cream :)

  3. We are still cooler here but we did have Ryan and Cayden over for dinner and ate outside! Alicia had Bunco? It seems to warm up a little at dinner time then cool back down!!

  4. it's 58 degrees in ny this morning... while i DON"T wish for 100... 75 would be nice!

  5. Wow, I wish we had a little bit of that heat:) It is cool and rainy so far here in the Northwest. Things are starting to warm up now, so maybe we will have summer weather by the 21st:) The good thing is that I have not had to water our lawn yet!

  6. Love your fresh, new look! It's still spring here, but summer is trying to break through. Enjoy your weekend!

  7. We jump from cool rain spring to hot, hot. That is the south for you.

  8. I don't enjoy this kind of heat, especially so early in the season. I hope it doesn't last too long.

  9. Homemade ice cream sounds great. I've been following the OK and AR weather, and it seems like it sure has gotten hot in a hurry, but I guess that's like it usually is. Stay cool!
