Tuesday, May 10, 2011

The Simple Woman's Daybook . . .

Outside my window . . .
It's grey and cloudy.

I am thinking . . .
and praying for the flood victims across the country.

I am thankful . . .
for the wonderful Mother's Day I had with my family.

From the kitchen . . .
once again I'm wracking my brain to decide what I'll fix for dinner.  Possibly fish & stir fried veggies.

I am wearing . . .
brown crop pants, rose t-shirt, denim ballet flats.

I am creating . . .
newpaper roses for a wreath.

I am going . . .
to take care of Ethan this morning while his Mommy takes Emma to the doctor for a well check up.

I am hoping . . .
my hubby feels better today.  He's been fighting a stomach bug.  Ugh!

I am hearing . . .
my washing machine churning away.

Around the house . . .
I'm noticing that the dust bunnies are playing on the hardwood floors.

A few plans for the rest of the week . . .
collect unwanted items from closets and drawers for the kids' garage sale on Saturday.

Hope your day is going well, enjoy! 


  1. Sounds like a busy and happy day. I hope that your hubby gets over this bug and is feeling better soon!
    Good luck with the garage sale!

  2. I really enjoyed hearing about your day. I hope your hubby gets to feeling better soon! Have blessed day!

  3. I'm intrigued. What are newspaper roses?

  4. Our neighborhood is having a garage sale this Sat and I've been combing through the house making a big pile of stuff to sell. Quite a job!

  5. So glad I came across your blog! I love the quotes.
