Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Things Are Starting To Hop Around Here . . .

The dining room . . .

is all . . .

decked out . . .

for Easter . . .


  1. So simple yet so festive. LOVE IT!

  2. I am so happy that your granddaughter is home. I love Easter decorations, they are usually so bright and cheerful! Not to mention the candy! I guess I just did. I have found that I usually get more done when I make a to-do list!

  3. Cute idea. Mind if I copy? Our kids and grandkids always come to our home for Easter. I always decorated big time for them.

  4. Most of my bunnies are out. My dining table has it's Easter tablecloth on it. Now I'm just waiting for my husband to get my silk Spring flowers out of the attic. Um - no, I don't go up there myself. I don't like heights.

  5. Hi Carol, thanks for your visit. I love how you have things hopping at your home, very, very cute! I love your darling cupboard below too! ;D

  6. That looks great! I am so behind the times. I finally put all of my candle mugs in storage yesterday...that would be from winter candle sales. Sigh....
    Oh well, at least I finally got it done.

  7. Oh cheerful!!! I loooove those milk glass dessert dishes filled with grass and eggs. Just adorable. : )

  8. Looks so Springy and pretty sweetie...hope you have a great weekend....Picket

  9. Very cute!
    Looks like you're ready for the Easter bunny :)
    Have a great weekend!

  10. So pretty. I never really decorate for Easter but sure do enjoy looking at the springiness of it.
