Tuesday, April 19, 2011

The Simple Woman's Daybook . . .

I've always enjoyed reading blogs that post
The Simple Woman's Day Book.
I'm doing my first SWDB today.

Outside my window . . .
the sun is trying to break through the clouds.

I am thinking . . .
about the 168 lives that were lost on this day 16 years ago in Oklahoma City at the Murrah Building.

I am thankful . . .
for so many blessings in my life.

From the kitchen . . .
I'm trying to think of something good to whip up for dinner.

I am wearing . . .
an orange top, brown yoga pants and cozy house shoes.

I am creating . . .
absolutely nothing, I think my creativity and craftiness has taken a vacation!

I am going . . .
to do a few chores . . . laundry and bathroom cleaning.

I am hoping . . .
for rain today and no severe weather!

I am hearing . . .
the wind whistling through the kitchen window.

Around the house . . .
I need to finish decorating for Easter.  Shame on me for being a slacker decorator!

A few plans for the rest of the week . . .
plan a menu for Easter dinner, grocery shopping, sorting & organizing my closet.

Have a great day everyone!


  1. I enjoyed your first SWDB and the way it was written. Have a blessed Easter.

  2. Amen to Susy's comments. Hope you have a wonderful day and a great Easter!

  3. Nice job, Carol. A blog I used to follow that did the SWDB closed and I have missed it. Keep it up!!!

  4. I also enjoyed your first SWDB post. I have never seen one before. I might give it a try soon. I noticed you said the wind was whistling through the window, that does not sound good! I hope you did not have any severe weather!
