Friday, April 1, 2011

Finally Home . . .

Emma finally got to go home today!
She will be wearing a monitor for a while.

Before they headed home they stopped by to pick up Ethan.
I was so thrilled to finally hold her in my arms!
Her weight is now 7 lbs. 5 oz.
She is so petite & has the longest fingers.
I can see those pretty fingers playing the piano someday.


  1. I am so happy you got to hold her!! What a blessing!!! She is such a good weight too! We will pray her heart pumps away!!!

  2. Carol, what great news! I know Ethan will be the best big brother! She is a little cutie! I know you must be beside yourself with happiness! My new little grandson decided to arrive 9 lbs 7 oz! Yikes! I am looking forward to getting some holding time with him, too! Happy grandmothering!...hugs...Debbie

  3. How exciting Carol. Our little Gabe is still wearing a monitor and will until he is around 9months old. He weighs over 12 lbs. Your little Emma is a beauty. Holding her had to be so wonderful.

  4. Those little girlie head bands are soooo cute! But she really doesn't need a thing---what a beautiful little baby. And what a blessed addition to your family.

  5. This picture is priceless. And so is she (:
