Sunday, March 27, 2011

Weekly Words To Live By #43 . . .

Friendship isn't a big thing.
It's a million little things.
~ anonymous ~
A faithful friend is a sure shelter.
Whoever has found one
has found a rare treasure.
Ecclesiastes 6:14


  1. I have been out of touch with blog land and have missed a lot! Emma is changing so much and I am glad to know she is doing well. Ethan's little personality is really showing in the recent photos! So happy spring has sprung and the sun is hanging around longer now.

    Love you and miss you lots.

  2. Emma is glad she is doing well. We just have to pray her home, right? So true about friends...I'm very grateful for mine.... here at home and in blogland!!:-)

  3. I am rich in friends and count it one of my greatest blessings. Praying little Emma is soon home with a heart that beats strong.

  4. Hi Carol! OH, yes, that is a wonderful quote and the scripture is marvelous! There is nothing like a true friend and as I get older I really do realize how rare those true friends are.
    Yay! I'm so glad you're coming to my party! It should be so much fun.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia :)

  5. Great Sunday post as usual. I love and appreciate my friends!
