Saturday, March 12, 2011

One Week Old . . .

We visited Emma last night.

She's one week old and doing very well.
They are working on feeding her from
a bottle instead of a tube through her nose.

The kids are so anxious to take her home.


  1. very good picture of the 3 of them.

    when do they think she will go home?

  2. Beautiful baby! I am glad she is doing well!

  3. She is such a little doll. That's so great that she is doing well! That is really nice picture of the 3 of them.

  4. Such a precious baby. I know they can't wait to get her home.

  5. I sure hope she will be home soon for all of the kisses and hugs to come.

  6. If I remember they were expecting about two weeks in the hospital? So hopefully this means they are halfway there.

    Great picture.

    So glad she is doing well.

  7. Carol, I had a little great grandson come a little over 2 months early and he has been home 2 weeks and doing great. Still wears a monitor but is thriving. I am sure your Emma will too. Prayers for her.

  8. What good news! I bet Nana cannot wait for Emma's first visit!
