Monday, February 28, 2011

Random Monday Memories #12 . . .

Our little neighbor girl and her mom came by one
day last week selling Girl Scout cookies.
We bought three boxes.

Notice you only see 2 boxes.
Why, you ask?!?!
Hubby already ate an entire box!

Buying Girl Scout cookies brought back memories of when I was in Scouts.

I was so proud of my uniform.

I remember going door to door by myself
in our neighborhood selling cookies.
Back in those days it was totally safe to be in your
neighborhood by yourself.
My, how times have changed!

When someone bought cookies they received a
sticker like this to place on their
front door window so no one else would try
to sell them cookies.
What a great idea that was!


  1. Cute post, Carol!
    My two favorite GS Cookies are Thin Mints and Peanut Butter Patties.Yum! =)

    Btw, I finally started my old blog back up!

  2. When we lived in the 'burbs, many Girl Scouts came selling cookies. Now that we are out in the middle of nowhere, I doubt if we will see any. Those thin mints are the best!

  3. I was a Brownie for a couple of years but never sold cookies. We bought six boxes from our granddaughter last week. We are working on our third box!

  4. Those are great memories. I was a Brownie in 3rd grade and really liked it. We bought a box of Girl Scout cookies the other day and they are all gone:)
