Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Ready For The Attic . . .

I'm always sad to see all the Christmas bling
come down.

(sorry this pic is blurry)

This year I didn't do any decorating upstairs.

Even though I got rid of a lot of Christmas stuff
in our Fall garage sale I still need to sort
and purge more things in the storage tubs in the attic.
It does feel good to scale down.


  1. Looks a lot like my house...

    How do you achieve such crystal clear photographs such as the one in your header? It's s beautiful!

  2. I finally got all of our Christmas deco put away yesterday. Yes, it does feel good to get it all cleared away and back to normal. I've spent today cleaning out some closets. I'm tired.

  3. I think most people are a bit sad to see the Christmas decorations go. However, it is nice to get back into a normal routine. I, too, have scaled down and have a box in which to put even more stuff to donate. It's all nice, but just no place for it. I love decorating, but more is less these days!

  4. Glad you got your Christmas put away. Always feels good to get a clean start for the new year.
    I spent my day painting the bathroom and study. Oh what fun. Looks good though.

  5. Amen!
    I have enjoyed the clean up this year, more than any other year. For us, keeping it simple was a blessing !
    I think I will keep it simple from this time forward :)

  6. I know I felt the same way packing up our Christmas stuff. I feel sad to see it go. I got a warm feeling in my heart when I thought about decorating next year:) I love Christmas time!
