Thursday, September 16, 2010

Two Years . . .

Two years ago today I started blogging.

When I retired from teaching in June of 2008
I wanted to start blogging, but didn't get the
courage until September.
I'm so glad I finally took the plunge!

I have read so many blogs that have inspired me during these 2 years.
I have met some amazing friends.
I've only met 2 blog friends in person.
This past March, I met Valerie & Sherry.
How delightful!
Wished I lived closer so we could meet for lunch often.
Some blogging friends I may never meet in person, but I feel like I know them so well!

I love reading your comments!
If you're stopping by today, hope you'll
leave a comment and become a follower.

Have a wonderful Thursday!


  1. Congratulations Carol!
    I sure enjoy blogging too, and feel like I've made some great friends through blogging. I still think of them as my friends, even if we haven't met in person :)
    I'm glad you decided to blog, because I really enjoy reading your blog.
    Have a great one !

  2. Happy blogiversary! I'm so glad our paths have crossed.

  3. Happy 2nd Blogiversary!!!! I am thrilled to have "met" you through blogging.

  4. Happy Blogoversary!! I love your blog and glad you started two years ago! :)

    Hugs, Carolyn ~ Cottage Sunshine

  5. Wow, two years! I hope I can last that long. I'm just a beginner.

  6. COngratulations. I will be here in blogger two years in Nov. Have a good week.

  7. Congratulations! You started blogging just a few months after me:) I have really enjoyed your blog and have learned many interesting things. Blessing to you today!

  8. I love your visits, comments and posts. It is a joy to get to "know" you through your lovely blog.

    Becky K.

  9. Happy Blogoversary Auntie!

    Love you,

  10. I love our visits, Congratulation on two years.
