Thursday, September 23, 2010

It's Official . . .

It's official,
Autumn arrived here in Oklahoma
at 10:09 PM last night.
Today is the first full day of Fall.

Even though the temperatures are warm
and the trees won't be showing their
brilliant colors for several more weeks,
it's autumn, my favorite season of the year!
I'm now ready to do a little decorating.
Come back soon to see!


  1. I want to cry....summertime has left and won't return for 8 more months! But, alas, Halloween is right around the corner, and in another week, my house and yard will be transformed into a spooky place. Fall is nice, I'll suck it up and enjoy it. LOL


  2. Fall always bring a sense of rest and renewal for the soul after a long HOT summer.

  3. Now I'm ready for the time change. It has been dark when I get up in the mornings and I don't like it.

  4. We are in the upper 90's but the 70's are coming they say next week.

  5. Ah, but the weather guy says it's going to be cooler next week. Yea!

  6. What exactly is it about fall that compels us to say "it's my favorite season". I decorate year round with fall colors and birds and twigs and acorns and squirrels. I LOVE fall.

  7. Yippe!! Fall is officially here. It has been Fall-like around here for a bit....crisp cool mornings and a few trees changing colors :)
    Have a great weekend! Have fun doing your decorating too !

  8. I love your wreath, it is just beautiful!
