Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Introducing A New Blog . . .

Two friends have joined forces to create
a new blog.

The two mommies live miles apart.
One in Oklahoma, my daughter~in~law, Kari, and her friend, Alicia, who lives in California.
Even though they have never met in person they became fast
friends through reading each other's blog, texting, & Face Book.
Please go by & give them a warm welcome.


  1. I will go visit them, thank you for sharing.

  2. I'll be sure to check it out!
    Always great to have more creative blogs!!
    Have a wonderful day today :)

  3. The blogs looks wonderful. I love the header, so colorful! I wish them a lot of success with it! Earl was a no show! The waves were high, but just a slight breeze and fine mist was all we had here!
