Sunday, August 22, 2010

Weekly Words To Live By #19

I'm joining Tracey for
Weekly Words To Live By.
Sundays Of My Childhood
* Sunday School & Church *
* Aroma of roast cooking in the oven *
* Washing dishes in the sink *
* Everyone napping *
* Truly a day of rest *
* Comfort & security of home *


  1. AMEN!
    I sure do long for those good old days!
    When did life get so busy??

  2. Love your card & quote...I do remember when Sundays truly were a day of rest!

  3. My Mom always had a roast, potatoes and carrots in the oven on Sunday. It was the perfect thing to greet us when we came home from church.

    Becky K.

  4. Sounds like a perfect day! Reminds me of Sunday's growing up :)

  5. Carol, what you describe sounds like a wonderful day. I wish we could slow down the pace of life a little, cut down on all the activities and business to enjoy a Sunday the way it was meant to. I can almost smell that roasted chicken! {hugs}

  6. Your post reminded me of Craig Morgan's song "That's What I Love About Sunday." Everyone should slow down and rest on the Lord's day.

  7. That's so cool! Those are a lot of memories of Sundays as a kid too!

  8. Ah, Sunday! My favorite day of the week!

  9. Lovely thoughts!!
    Thanks for the wonderful reminders of Sundays past. Sure miss those simpler times!!

  10. I love your quote and your memories of Sunday afternoons. Those were the days, huh? xoxo Nancy
