Sunday, May 2, 2010

Weekly Words To Live By #6 . . .

I enjoy each season . . .
Summer for long days of daylight
Fall for crisp blue sky days
Winter for the beauty of snow
Spring for the rebirth of nature

To everything there is a season, and a time
to every purpose under the heavens . . .
Ecclesiastes 3:1
Visit Tracey for more Weekly Words to Live By . . .


  1. And aren't we lucky because we have all four seasons in Oklahoma (although sometimes we can't tell what season it is and what is coming next -- winter to spring, no -- spring back to winter, then winter to spring again, then winter to summer (skipping spring), then summer ..... well, you know what I mean, don't you?)

  2. I do too...I'm so glad to live where I get to enjoy every season, it's so wonderful the change that each season brings! Come say hi :D

  3. Good Morning Carol!
    Love the scripture!
    I love that we have all four seasons here!
    Even if we are going on our 8th month of winter :)
    Can't wait to see what you decide to plant in your flower beds !
    Have a wonderful Sunday.

  4. Carol, such a lovely post.

    Living in Florida, we don't really have seasons but I am blessed because we have cypress trees on the lake and they have 'seasons' for us. They are bare in the winter, bud out and produce feather-like needles in the spring....stay green all summer and then turn shades of golden brown in the Fall. They bless me.

    Have a wonderful Sunday.

    Barb ♥

  5. now i just need to make the best of each season! Live up to my full potential!

    love this quote!

    thank you


  6. Love the tree photo. Have a beautiful May Sunday!

  7. I love the seasons and I love that scripture too!

  8. What a neat picture Carol!

    Thank you for entering my blue giveaway! ~Melissa :)

  9. I love the picture and the quote! I have always loved the four seasons too...such a blessing!

    Hugs, Carolyn ~ Cottage Sunshine

  10. this is so true. Every season I love this. :)

  11. 50 days until summer? Really, that's not bad! Lets just see if everyone can get some nice Spring weather to enjoy... say good bye to snowstorms, thunderstorms and tornados. I sure enjoy the blooming trees and flowers. So beautiful! Happy, Blessed Spiritual Sunday.

  12. I love each season too and the picture is a good representation for each. I love that scripture too.
    Thank you for sharing with us.

  13. These are great words to live by!
    Also - love your blog header photo, I can picture myself walking down that path and getting lost while enjoying the scenery.

  14. What a great photo and poem! I've always said I would never want to live in the tropics, like Hawaii, because I would miss the seasons too much - especially spring and fall!!! :)

  15. Well Missy Lou..
    The calcium in the shells of the tomatoes helps prevent blossom end rot on tomatoes. Give it a try. Best part is... we get to use stuff up like eggshells and they are practically free :)
    I rinse mine off, let them drain and then put them in a zipper bag in the freezer :)
