Saturday, April 3, 2010

Get Your Bonnet Ready . . .

Are you old enough to remember when
ladies and little girls wore beautiful hats on Easter Sunday?

Wouldn't it be fun if Easter bonnets
came back into style?

Enjoy your Saturday!


  1. Don't forget about the white gloves too!

  2. I wish they were so people would dress up just one day a week.

  3. What I remember most, as a child wearing my Easter hat, was that darn elastic band that held it on my head! I kept moving it in front of my ears and then in back of my ears as it could get quite uncomfortable. But I just loved my new hat---and fashion hurts, lol!

  4. Mother would work and work on getting our dresses made and all the accesories just right. We looked like little dolls!

  5. It would...and I do love them too! :D

  6. I used to watch Easter Parade on TV. I don't see it showing these days!

  7. Hi Carol! As a little girl I had an Eater hat and gloves to wear to church. I thought I looked grand! :)
    Happy Easter.
    Be a sweetie,
    shelia ;)
