Monday, March 29, 2010

Random Monday Memories # 2 . . .

Today's memory is fitting for the week
leading up to Easter.
Dying Easter eggs was always a lot of fun
for me when I was a child.

I started getting excited when my Mother
bought a kit at the grocery store or Woolworth.
We always dyed the eggs the
day before Easter.

Mixing the vinegar & color tablets in small glasses
was always smelly, but I didn't mind
because I knew it would be worth it in the end.

My favorite colors were purple, pink, and aqua blue.

Watching the magic a wax crayon could create was so amazing.

Of course nothing could compare with hunting Easter
eggs over and over again!

Having a big basket filled with pretty eggs was the best!

Do you have sweet memories of Easter egg making?


  1. Carol? SNOW?'s time for the Easter Bunny! Goodness!

  2. Oh, I do! Thanks for bringing those back! I can smell the vinegar!

    Becky K.

  3. I sure do have great memories of coloring Easter eggs!
    I'm looking forward to making them this year with our 'girls' eggs. They come out darker and more jewel toned.
    Have a wonderful day!

  4. Such great memories! I remember my mom always had to put our pet dog in the garage so she wouldn't find the eggs first:)

  5. Mine were the same and our kids all do it too now. We loved the hiding them part and the kids finding fun! :D

  6. Oh that Paas package brings back the memories!!
    Loved the Easter egg hunts:)

    Linda C

  7. What fun memories. And I can smell the vinegar right now!
