Sunday, March 7, 2010

Don't Worry, Pray . . . (Words To Live By)

Don't try to figure it out on your own . . .

The truth about worrying . . .

What prayer can do . . .

Wishing you a blessed Sunday . . .


  1. Yes, prayer changes things...most especially the one who's praying. Nice post!

  2. Love the saying about how worry robs us of today's strength, yet changes nothing. You could post this every day and it would not be enough! Thanks for the reminder.

  3. Too often I get this backwards. Bummer! Things are so much better when I remember to pray first.

    Becky K.

  4. A day hemmed in prayer rarely comes unraveled. Not sure where this quote came from but that's what your post reminded me of when I read it.

  5. I'm afraid that I worry too much--before I remember where to leave that worry- at His feet. Thanks, Carol for this wonderful reminder- I needed that:)

    Thanks for stopping by my place this morning. I love your count-down to Spring on your blog!! I'm a fan of Spring!!:)

    Happy Monday!
