Sunday, February 14, 2010

The Greatest Of These . . .

Happy Valentine's Day !


  1. Happy Valentine's Day to you, too Carol! I scrolled down to get caught up and loved your snow pics! Your little Ethan is getting so big! I remember awaiting his arrival with you not so long ago! Happy Sunday...hugs...Debbie

  2. Love is in the air today!!!
    Have a nice Sunday!

  3. Happy Valentine's Day to you too Carol.♥

    I was surprised when you said it was snowing away. I didn't know we even HAD a chance of snow today, I had just heard it was supposed to get much colder than yesterday. We actually hit about 50 (on Saturday) and all our snow is melted from the last snowfall. As of about 11:10 this morning it started snowing away and is starting to stick on the ground. What crazy, CRAZY weather we have had this year!

  4. I'll have to call my "kids" to see if they're getting the snow too. Have a Great Valentines Day!

  5. Absolutely true. I came to visit you from Debbie's blog and what a lovely message. Thank you.

  6. Hi Carol! Amen! I love this scripture and want to wish you a Happy Valentine's Day too!
    Be a sweetie,
    shelia ;O

  7. Hi, I wanted to thank you for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment. I would like to follow your blog, but I didn't see a place where I could..I'll check again later...
    thanks again..
