Saturday, February 6, 2010

God's Beautiful World . . .

Even the sparrows and swallows are welcome
to come and nest among your alters
and there have their young,
O Lord of heaven's armies,
my King and my God!
Psalm 84:3
All over the earth, you can see the artistry of God.
Mountains reach up toward the sky,
majestically pointing toward their Creator~
their snow-capped peaks offering silent praise.
Farmers' fields of grain wave to the King of Kings.
All the earth grows tall,
as if reaching up to receive His touch.
Animals of every kind show gratitude to their Maker.
Birds sing, fireflies dance, and little furry
creatures scurry in a fast festivity of life.
God created nature for His glory, and when you look,
you see a glimpse of His greatness.
It is a reflection of an even greater glory
that of His presence in the life of a human being like you.

Nature is but a name for an effect whose cause is God.
~William Cowper~

Taken from ~God's Daily Answer


  1. Beautiful words. I like the photo of the bird.

  2. Beautiful photos and wonderful words about God, the creator of the world.

  3. Simply beautiful! Are these your own photos? Calendar perfect.

    Blessings on your day.

  4. Thanks for visiting my blog this morning Carol, it was a pleasure to meet you, I really enjoyed going through your blog,as it is very refreshing & uplifting


  5. This world God created is so beautiful. How much more so will be our heavenly home---our minds cannot comprehend. Very nice photos!

  6. Beautiful way to start the day! Thanks for sharing.

  7. Hi Carol,
    Love these pictures--and words! Thanks for this beautiful start to my morning:)

    Linda C
