Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Oh No, Not Again ! ! !

We're being warned to get ready for this . . .

TULSA, OK -- A major winter storm is heading to Oklahoma and will most likely hit the state Thursday and into Friday with significant amounts of ice, sleet and snow.
The National Weather Service has issued a Winter Storm Watch for Thursday morning through Friday morning for almost the entire state.
Oklahoma Governor Brad Henry says State Emergency Management Director Albert Ashwood will be at a news conference at the state capitol Tuesday afternoon to provide an update on state preparations for a potential winter storm bearing down on Oklahoma.

We don't mind the snow, but we do not like ICE!


  1. I agree - snow is much better than ice. Too much damage happens when the ice storms hit.

  2. I envy your temps, but certainly not the ice. Like you, Carol, I'll take the snow rather than ice any day!

    We are headed from Wisconsin to Indiana for a wedding this weekend and it looks pretty clear so far -- just deep-freeze temps.

    Take care and be safe!


  3. Oh dear!
    This will be a winter we remember!

    The wind we had yesterday was amazing. So freaky as it moaned in the trees.

    Becky K.

  4. I received the warning through an email from one of the news stations. What I find odd is that our weather radio hasn't sounded an alert yet. At Christmas it was going off about once an hour.

    Stay warm!

  5. Do you think it will really happen? We are supposed to fly out to another college visit bright and early Friday morning. Yikes!!

  6. I agree....I want SNOW and NO ice!!!! The main thing is whatever happens I want our power to stay ON!!!!!!!♥

  7. Oh no. I am with you, no ice.
    We are supposed to have another storm come through southern Utah also. Haven't gotten rid of the snow that hit last week. I think I am a "summer" gal. lol.

  8. Carol, they are predicting that here too. I hope they are wrong! laurie

  9. We are in OK too. I'm headed to the store to get a few things. Out in the country we have power failures that last for weeks. EEK.

    Enjoyed your blog!

  10. I feel badly for you. I agree---snow, yes; ICE---no!
    We don't get a lot of ice storms but have had two humdingers in the 39 years we have lived here. The damage is heartbreaking as you cannot replace beautiful trees that split and break off. I pray that the weatherman is wrong!!

  11. Oh noooo! Stay safe and warm dear friend. I had a dream last night that is snowing really big flakes out our window, but when I woke up it was clear and 43 degrees!

  12. Hi Carol, you take good care of yourself.

    Thank you so much for posting about my giveaway. This is so very kind of you.

    Sending blessings, Barb ♥

  13. Hi, I wandered in from Melissa's blog (from her blog of the week link) and wanted to say hello (after seeing your de-lurker post I thought I better leave a note that I was here) ;-) I'm trying to leave more comments too as I love blog hopping and love getting comments :-) Hope you didn't get too much snow, we're in Austin TX and it's warming up a bit here.

  14. Hope it doesn't get too icy over there! We're getting fresh snow in northern michigan this week!

  15. We're bracing up near OKC. It's sleeting right now. I just pray for a miracle that we will not lose power -- that's the pits. We were without power for 3 1/2 days in the 2007 ice storm.

    We're prepared though. The cars are full of fuel so I guess if we get too bored, we can watch a movie in the car ;)

  16. Well here we go again.Just hope it is not as bad as last year. Take care

  17. Carol....It is here in Texas now, but we will not have the snow . It started raining about 10:00pm and the thunder and lightening are terrible. One of my dogs is scared of it, so he got me out of bed 3 hours ago. The temp is droping...I hate it. Hope it is not too bad in OK.

