Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Don't Be Shy . . .

Last week, Mari at
posted this little thought. . . .

I'm always wondering how many people stop
by my blog to take a peek but don't leave a comment.
I admit I visit lots of blogs and most of
the time I don't leave a comment.
I'm challenging myself to leave more comments
instead of being a lurker.
How about you, are you a lurker?
Hope you leave a comment today
if you stopped by for a visit!
I look forward to meeting you!



  1. I leave comments on most of the blogs I visit. It would be fun if EVERYONE that visited left a comment.

  2. Hello, glad that you mentioned that. I have had my blog for 3 months now, and it seems that I would have more followers than I do...yes i am grateful for you ladies that do follow me. I have a challenge for any one of my followers to spread the word of my blog and then i will have my 2nd giveaway once I hit 100 friends!
    Have a great day!

  3. I know it depends on how much time I have in a day whether I leave comments. I try to, though.

    Becky K.

  4. Hi, I am commenting to let you know how much your post every day means to me as a follower.You are part of my blogger family friends.

  5. I always check your new posts and enjoy them very much!

  6. Hi! I just stopped by to say HI! Thank you for visiting and commenting on my blog! Love your blog and your sweet Kari. Have a wonderful day!

  7. Hi Carol! I'm not a luker here as you know. The only ones I lurk on are blogs that have huge followings with hundrends of comments. But every once and a while I will leave a comment on them. I love your blog. You have so many interesting subjects and family news! Take care and have a blessed day, Elena

  8. I usually leave comments - but I do know there are a lot of lurkers out there!
    By the way - did you email me your address Carol for the totebag you won? If you did already - I'm sorry but could you please send it to me again? I will get it out in the mail this week! Thank you!!!
    shelleyupnorth @ gmail dot com

  9. "Peek-a-boo!" I love to read Blogs and I ALWAYS leave a comment. No lurking around for me.

  10. This is a cute idea... to encourage de~lurking!! I too am a comment leaver :) as you know!

  11. I read your posts in my Google Reader, but sometimes don't have time to pop over and say hi. Thought I would today, so Hi!
