Saturday, January 30, 2010

The Day After . . .

Thanks to yummy food & snacks, lots of movies
& TV shows we survived the
January 2010 ice & snow storm.
The storm began Thursday afternoon
with rain followed by ice that
continued into the night .
Thankfully we didn't get as
much ice as predicted or it would
have been devastating.

our front yard tree
drooping with ice . . .

notice the slant of the icicles on the flag pole . . .

a view of the little white church
behind our house . . .

this mighty pine was hanging low . . .

heavy snow started falling Friday around 10:00 AM
and didn't stop until midnight . . .
our total was 6 inches . . .

our garden spot . . .

the beauty of ice & snow . . .

more of God's handiwork . . .

winter's white blanket . . .


  1. I love the pictures! Especially the close ups of the ice covered branches! So pretty =)

  2. Pretty pictures - this snow was a pretty one...but we have ice, sleet and then the snow makes for a dangerous outing.

    Keep warm - I don't think we are out of the woods yet with this weather with the freezing fog we are getting.

    Be blessed this Sunday.

  3. So glad you are ok, we are to I just want to go out and play in the snow it is just right to make a snowman here.

  4. Morning Carol,

    It all looks so gorgeous. You got a lot of snow! We only ended up with about 1 1/2 inches and we still have it. The good thing was that it wasn't sticking on the road, so our roads are fine, but we still have it everywhere else.♥

  5. Beautiful photos and lovely music. So glad it wasn't as bad as expected.

  6. Great photos! I am glad it was less than it could have been. It is in the 30's here. No snow or ice, just cold and damp thanks to the lovely Houston humidity! :-)

  7. So glad the ice wasn't as bad as they were calling for.

    Guess it was windy by the shape of the ice hanging from the flag pole.

    Becky K.

  8. Well, it does look like you got less than us. We were in S OK and got much ice with 4 inches of snow. It's beautiful but many are STILL without power. Poor cold people!

  9. I'm so glad you weathered the storm and all are OK. You got some very beautiful pictures of the snow and ice. So neat to look at but no fun to be out in for very long!

  10. Wow, that was quite an ice storm. I will take a snowstorm over ice any day! At least you were well prepared. By the way , I love the cupcakes!

  11. Surviving the ice/snow of January, 2010 sounds like fun at your house, Carol! We used to make snow ice cream when I was growing up! I think we made it once while raising our kids. I guess since snow is pretty common around here, we don't think to do special things with it:)

    I love the pictures- nothing like being stuck at home with family, - especially a Grand!!:)

    Take care!
    Linda C
