Monday, January 4, 2010

Baby, It's Cold Outside . . .

We still have snow on the ground!
It won't go away anytime soon
because it's so COLD, and
will be that way all week!

This is the forecast from our local
Channel 8 weather department.
I'm sure this will change as the days go by.
I'm so thankful the sun is shining. Early this morning we had snow flurries.
In the mean time I'll be staying busy inside
packing away the Christmas decorations.
Thanks goodness this job is almost finished.
I always get a little 'down in the dumps' when the
Christmas bling disappears,
everything looks so bare.
It's time to do a little rearranging & sprucing up
to give our house a warm, cozy feel
for these bitterly cold days.
Also, a warm pot of chili sounds so good!
Stay warm & safe my friends!


  1. My area is around Marilyn's temperatures but it has just been BONE chilling cold lately!!!

    It does seem bare for a few days after taking down the decorations but after cleaning and re-arranging everything I always enjoy it after those hectic holiday days!

    Try to stay warm!!!♥

  2. Brrrr!!! 27 right now while I was just running errands. I don't know if the snow will ever melt.

  3. That kind of "cold" hurts.
    Time to hunker down and hibernate if you can. I have family in Tulsa so I enjoy seeing your weather forecast.

  4. Wow, it is really cold there! I feel the same way about packing up our Christmas decorations. I went to the fabric store and bought some material for pillows for Mary's bed. It is fun to make something new and just to get busy:)

  5. It has been cold here, too. Hopefully the snow will stay on the ground for a while. It just looks so pretty. I still have a few decorations to take down. I am going to finish that job today!

  6. We had some negative numbers in northern mich last week! Hope it warms up for the both of us! And a hot bowl of chili sounds wonderful!
    Happy New Year Carol!!

  7. Another round of snow and wind in Iowa today...shut down again!!!! I am painting a closet....nice to ahve time!
